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Big sunnyside cc and nymphes arms in the air
Year :
Cast :
Charles Chaplin, Edna Purviance, Tom Wilson, Tom Terriss, Henry Bergman, Loyal Underwood, Tom Wood, Helen Kohn, Olive Burton, Willie Mae Carson, Olive Alcorn, Park Jones, Granville Redmond, AI Blake, Shorty Hendricks, Lulu Jenks...
Production :
1st National
Description :
Charlie is the much-abused man-of-all-work in a run-down farm hotel. Retrieving a stray bull from the local church, he is knocked out, and dreams of taking part in a pastoral dance with nymphs. Awakened, he discovers that his girl is being courted by a city slicker, and endeavours fruitlessly to imitate the rival’s sophisticated style.
DVD & Blu-ray :

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Filming Sunnyside

In his autobiography, Chaplin recalled that making Sunnyside was “like pulling teeth”. From time to time, like any artist, Chaplin experienced creative blocks; but this was one of the worst in his career...

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Deleted scene from Sunnyside

Deleted barbershop sequence from Sunnyside