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"Oh! That Cello" et "There’s Always One you Can’t Forget"

En 1916, Charles Chaplin fonda sa propre société d’édition musicale en association avec Bert Clark, un comédien de vaudeville anglais :

“Nous avions loué une chambre au troisième étage d’un immeuble de bureau dans le centre, puis nous publiâmes deux mille exemplaires de très mauvaises chansons dont j’avais également composé la musique, et nous attendîmes les clients. C’était une aventure de collégiens tout à fait insensée. Je crois que nous en vendîmes trois exemplaires, l’un à Charles Cadman, le compositeur américain, et deux à des inconnus qui passèrent par hasard devant notre bureau en descendant l’escalier.”

La Charles Chaplin Music Company ferma boutique après l’édition de trois compositions de Chaplin : “Oh! That Cello”, “There’s Always One you Can’t Forget”, et “The Peace Patrol”.

Oh! That Cello

Musique et paroles de Charles Chaplin (1916)

The autumn leaves were swaying
A music man was playing
I heard a girlie saying
I love that fellow
Who plays that cello
His music so appealing
Into my heart comes stealing
I get a wondrous feeling
From that melody

Oh That cello, it sounds so sweet and mellow
When I hear you play that cello
I get dreaming I get a sentimental mood
A loving feeling
Play that music once again
That fascinating mating Love refrain
Oh memories that burn and pain
Play that Cello for me once again.

That fellow heard her saying
Oh how she loved his playing
So there was no delaying
They never tarried
Until they married
There’s now a little fellow
Whose voice is not so mellow
For when he starts to bellow
To that melody

There’s Always One you Can’t Forget

Musique et paroles de Charles Chaplin (1916)

I sit alone at twilight gazing in the firelight glow
And my memory takes me back again
To days of long ago
Those happy days when you and I
Would share the sun and rain
Ah! What would I give,
if I could live those happy days again

There’s always one you can’t forget
There’s always one, one vain regret
Tho grief is dead, memory survives
Fate linked we two, mated our lives
Why did we meet only to part
Love comes but once into the heart
Tho it may cause pain and regret
There’s always one you can’t forget.

Though destiny decreed that we should live our lives apart
Yet your memory dear will ever be
Engraven in my heart
The pain and anguish we endured
Unspoken and unseen
Why it nearly breaks my heart
To think of that which might have been

“Oh! That Cello” et “There’s Always One you Can’t Forget” Musique et paroles de Charles Chaplin. Tous droits réservés.

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